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Smiling Woman

Do you feel you could have had a better-looking smile every time you look at yourself in the mirror? Not all of us may be lucky enough to have that flawless smile that comes naturally. In such cases, you can always go to the hygienist to get your smile 'corrected' and make it look aesthetically pleasing. One such oral restoration that we use to improve the aesthetics of your smile is a Lumineer.


Lumineers are thinner than veneers


Have you heard of dental veneers? They are ceramic restorations used to bring about an aesthetic change to a person's smile. They mimic the contour of your natural teeth and are bonded to the frontal surface of a tooth. Oral concerns like cracked or chipped teeth, excessively worn out or discolored teeth, etc., can be treated using veneers.


Lumineers are similar to veneers but just more efficient and advanced. They are way thinner compared to veneers - approximately 0.2 mm in thickness. They are so light that the underlying enamel's appearance is replicated, owing to their highly translucent nature. By bonding them to the front surface, teeth that are excessively spaced, discolored, worn out, chipped, or misshapen can be restored to their ideal appearance and functionality.


Why should you choose Lumineers?


Since they are extremely thin, removing a layer of enamel from the teeth would not be required. They can be bonded to the teeth directly without significantly increasing their thickness.


They are highly resistant to wear. Routine oral activities like biting and chewing food would not cause damage or wear.


Lumineers are impressively long-lasting. With optimum care, they usually last for many years together, sometimes even over 20 years.


The hygienist would not have to grind your teeth to make space for the restoration. This eliminates the need for local anesthesia.


You will not have any restrictions on the food you eat. You can eat anything you wish to, provided you clean your teeth well after eating.


The Lumineer can be removed if you wish to get it off. Your natural tooth will be perfectly intact and healthy even after the restoration is removed.



Let us see that smile!

Hours of Business
Monday - Wednesday

Friday and Every Other Saturday
8am - 6pm

321 W. Hatcher Road, suite 108, Phoenix, AZ 85021

Tel: (602) 368-4050

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